Head Coach Bill Donges

Bill started his fencing career fencing at Newfield High School New York under one of the most successful HS coaches, Tom Cakouros. Team written up in Sports Illustrated for over ten years with undefeated dual meet record.  He went on to fence Division I at the US Naval Academy under two time Olympic Coach, Andre Deladrier.  Following graduation at the Academy he served in US Navy for 24 years.  Following many more years in Corporate America, he realized he missed fencing and wanted to find a way to give back to the sport that had given him so much.

He began coaching at North Springs Charter High School, where he remained for three years, leading the team to win the Georgia High School Championship.  Bill saw a unique opportunity when he was invited to help start a team at Innovation Academy HS and has remained Head Coach since 2021, where he has helped create a team culture of respect, inclusion, success and FUN!  In his spare time when not Coaching he also is an entrepreneur and advisor to AI technology companies.


Assistant Coach Tyler McCubbins

Tyler started his fencing career as a sophomore at North Springs Charter High School, under Head Coach Bill Donges.  After graduation he began College, but was still interested in fencing.  After assisting at the IA summer camp he began as an Intern Coach for the 22/23 season.  He since has become a great asset to the team and has truly helped advance our fencers to the next level!